First and foremost please get yourselves acquainted with the typepad interface as we will use it throughout the semester regularly.
As Media160 students at Saint Olaf you had been invited to become contributors in the construction of this blog. The pool of information is meant to function as a pre-debate platform where all of you can find all the information necessary to be ready to engage in what I expect to be a lively discussion about the theoretical topics we discuss during class time.
Below these introductory paragraphs you will find all the necessary content to prepare for our fist discussion. Please review the information and respond to the question presented by the end of every blog. Each one of you is expected not only to read all the responses but to reply/comment to a minimum of one. Please be aware of this requirement as it is an important component of your overall academic performance on this course.
If you have any interesting link/article/video/image that you would like to share with the rest of the class do not hesitate to do so.
Additionally, please befriend in Facebook [where else?] where I exist as three characters for the time being. The first one is the artist, the second one the professor/scholar, and the third one the actual limited person -flesh and bone- weak and enslaved by the sensorial system.
in addition, you may befriend me here (this is optional)
Where as you ought to befriend me in the first one -I will distribute class content through the Facebook platform-- You don't have to befriend me in the second one unless you want to, the second facebook guy is by no means politically correct whereas the other one is the formal, official, politically correct one.
Again to make sure we are on the same page: Befriending the second one is optional and the first one expected since I will begin distribution, reception, and commentary of your course products in this medium.
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